The MO²GO System

The software tool MO²GO (Method for Object Oriented Business Process Optimization) supports the modelling process based on the integrated enterprise modelling (IEM). Different analyses of a given model are available like the planning and implementation of information systems. The MO²GO System is easily extensible and allows a fast modelling approach.

The current MO²GO System in use consists of the following components:

  • MO²GO NG
    Modelling engine for IEM class structures, process chains, bill of materials and evaluation mechanism.
  • MO²GO Editor
    Modelling facilities for the graphical representation and design of enterprise models.
    Open client side JAVA API to develop “external” MO²GO NG clients.
  • MO²GO Macro Editor
    The Macro Editor supports the design of MO²GO macros for user defined evaluation procedures.
  • MO²GO Viewer
    Free MO²GO viewer is an easy to use user interface to navigate through the MO²GO process chains.

MO²GO Multi-Language
Allows the description of models in different languages and the switch between the languages e.g. Russia, German, English, Chinese, …

MO²GO Macro Interpreter
The client allows the execution of MO²GO Macros

Transitive closure
Library to create and handle the transitive closure of a given MO²GO model

Test of model correctness
The client provides information about the structure of a given model helpful to check if the model is consistent and readable